Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 61

volume Number : 14
number In Volume : 3
issue Number : 61

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 14، number In Volume 3، ، issue Number 61

Social Problems from the Perspective of the Safavid Era’s Poets

Mohsen Rostami , Mohammadhassan Raznahan (Author in Charge), Hossein Moftakheri , Nasergholi Sarli

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The works of Safavid poets are a mirror of the social situation of this era due to their connection with the masses. This article seeks to answer the question of what problems the Safavid society was facing and how the people reacted to these issues by examining the poems of the poets of this era. METHODOLOGY: The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical and the data collection method is documentary (library).
FINDINGS: A study of the works of historians of this era and the writings of Western tourists and most importantly the poems of Safavid thematic poets who were in charge of the court situation, indicates that due to the Safavids" long occupation to fight foreign enemies and the weakness of some young rulers and The inexperience of this dynasty in the administration of the vast territory under their rule, unfortunately, gradually spread all kinds of moral anomalies in the society of that time.
CONCLUSION: All kinds of anomalies from drugs and alcoholism to the prevalence of seasickness, theft, promiscuity and sexual perversions, had disturbed the situation of Safavid society. In the meantime, the famous poets of this era, who themselves were not immune from these harms, tried to inform the sections of the society about these matters and find a solution to get rid of these sufferings.

Poets , Safavids , addiction , social problems.

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